Calarie Idhe

My name is Calarie Idhe. Idhe means and is known as a roof or house shingle in Yoruba a language from Nigeria. My ancestors were known for cultivating protective, secure, and stable roofing. Those characteristics are instilled in me. I was born to Chandra Logan and Anthony Idhe at sparrow hospital back in 1997. I lived in Mount Pleasant for over 7 years while my mother attended Central Michigan University and after graduation we moved back to Lansing. I graduated High School from Holt High School in 2015. After high school I went to Jackson College for one year where I was resident assistant. I continued my sociology associates at Lansing Community College and about two years ago I switched program of study to business. Now I am finishing my Business Transfer Studies associate’s and Business Management and Administrative bachelor’s degree. I currently attend school full time and work for Michigan Department of Treasury as a student assistant in revenue and tax services. I have one beautiful, clever, and funny three-year-old daughter named Angela. Like my ancestors I work hard, I am determined, resilient and passionate. Thank you for reading a short expert of my background and life. I am honored to have this Entrepreneurship Internship with CADE program. I look forward to working with each of you.


Hannah Sherman


Jamie Binger