MSU Students finish 2nd in Regional Venture Capital Investment Competition
Congratulations to An Bui, Owen Bitner, Larson DeBouver, Cameron Korman, Shane Schwarz, and Will Smalley for taking 2nd overall in The University of Chicago Booth School of Business Venture Capital Investment Competition on February 4, 2023.
The VCIC (Venture Capital Investment Competition) is a simulation that allows students to think and act like venture capitalists, and, with over 70 participating universities, is the largest venture capital competition in the world. Members of our Red Cedar Ventures and Michigan Rise teams coached the MSU teams to put in a strong effort.
MSU VCIC 2023 Team
An Bui, Owen Bitner, Larson DeBouver, Cameron Korman, Shane Schwarz and Will Smalley with FMI Executive Director David Hawthorne at the VCIC Competition at the Chicago Booth on Feb 4, 2023