Hayder Radha named MSU Foundation Professor

POSTED: Tuesday, January 26, 2021

AUTHOR: MSU Foundation

CATEGORY: Foundation News

Hayder Radha, professor of electrical and computer engineering, was named an MSU Foundation Professor in 2020, a designation given to outstanding faculty who demonstrate excellence in research.

Radha joins around 50 of his peers who have previously been named MSU Foundation Professors.

“MSU Foundation Professors are internationally recognized researchers,” said David Washburn, executive director of the Michigan State University Foundation. “Their scholarship and contributions to their fields represent a level of engagement and accomplishment that the foundation is proud to support.” 

Radha is an international leader in the broad fields of multi-dimensional signal processing and visual analysis. He is especially known for his pioneering work in scalable video coding, with broad applications for Internet and wireless streaming. He is the founder and director of the CANVAS program and a leader in MSU’s mobility and autonomous vehicles research. His current research areas include deep learning and statistical signal processing for autonomous systems; multi-modal sensor data fusion; distributed object detection, tracking and forecasting for connected and autonomous vehicles.

He has a B.S. with honors from Michigan State University; an M.S. from Purdue University; and a Ph.M. and a Ph.D. from Columbia University, all in electrical engineering. 

He joined MSU in 2000, following an outstanding career at AT&T Bell Laboratories, where he received the rank of Distinguished Member of Technical Staff; and Philips Research, where he held the rank of Consulting Scientist and Fellow. As a Philips Research Fellow, he led a team that enabled the rollout of digital HDTV services in the U.S. and another team that developed coding methods, which became part of the MPEG-4 video standard.

He has more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and holds 38 patents. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the recipient of two Google Faculty Research Awards; the Amazon Research Award; the Microsoft Research Award; the AT&T Bell Labs Ambassador and Circle of Excellence Awards; the MSU William J. Beal Outstanding Faculty and College-of-Engineering Withrow Distinguished Scholar Awards.

The MSU Foundation Professorship was established in 2014 through the generosity of the Michigan State University Foundation. In addition to the permanent title, honorees are typically provided with five years of supplemental scholarly funding.

Communications Contact: Patricia Mroczek


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