Business Accelerator Fund

Business Accelerator Fund (BAF) Application Intake Form

Thank you for considering the BAF in Grand Rapids! Please fill out this intake form and we will reach out soon.


Is your company registered with the State of MI?

Date Registered with MI


Are you a high-tech company as defined by the MEDC?


Describe Your Company, including products and services

Full Time Employees

Part Time Employees

How many of your employees are earning a wage of $20+ per hour?

What is your current financing stage? (check all that apply

Investment Funding Received to Date

Grant Funding Received to Date

What is the status of your intellectual property?

What type of patent have you filed for and what does it cover?

What is the state of your unique business, technology, product, or process?

Are you or any of your founders part of an underserved demographic? (select all that apply)

Gender of Founder or Co-Founder with Majority Ownership